Mercia CC Lloyds Cycles Bulletin 9/2/22

Mercia Lloyds CC News – February 2022
I have received some feedback from my comments on the 2022 season club event schedule with regard to the club 25 championship. I have been reminded that there are regular road closures on the Yoxall course, HST related and this is correct. It has been suggested that we run a 25 over 5 laps of the 5 course at Anslow. This would enable all members to ride. The event could be on a mid-summer Tuesday evening and it would avoid having to ask marshals and timekeepers to give up a Sunday morning.
I will measure a course but in the meantime feedback is very welcome.
A big thank you to Kieron and his team of helpers for the open club run last weekend especially to whoever organized the weather.
Kieron is proceeding with the second event in February 27th. I met with the Henhurst Club team after last Sunday to thank them and they suggested that they would like to use the previous system where riders who sign on are issued with a raffle ticket with which to obtain their drink after the ride and I have agreed that we will do this. Kieron is proposing to use this event to raise money for a charity. He has suggested a minimum donation of £5 and a free drink afterwards will be provided. I will confirm all details shortly.
I am in the process of completing the police notifications for the club events and all the usual summer events that club usually runs are in place including Sunday club runs.
Thanks to Anne for the recent velodrome session although this was not very well supported. The club does not look to make a surplus on events that are run but expect to at least break even and therefore if members would like more evenings at the velodrome please speak to Anne so that she can assess if the demand is out there.
I do not wish to hold an AGM at this stage of the year but it would be useful to hold a general meeting to discuss where the club wants to go in the future. With date fixing requirements any proposed events for 2023 need to be seriously considered this Summer. If there are any members who feel that they are able to suggest and promote a suitable event this meeting would be the platform to volunteer and join the Club’s management team.
Covid 19 has not gone away but its effects do seem to have reduced with the vaccinations and the Henhurst Club does have a large room that we could use. I will check with them and obtain the use of the room for a meeting early in March for such a meeting. I expect that anyone wishing to attend will have been fully vaccinated or has a current negative test result at the time.
Jan Dingley has contacted me to confirm that she is on the mend following her recent operation and that both she and Caroline will be available for club event timekeeping so weather and roadworks permitting we are set fair for the new season.
To contact me please either phone or email or arrange a meet at the Henhurst Club on a Tuesday evening circa 8pm, the beer is good.
07973 414284 –
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